Early on in my Mogadao class experiences, I went into the bathroom to change before class. Zhenzhan appeared at the same time and asked if he could go first since he needed it and class was about to begin. So I grabbed my stuff and waited outside in the hall. 

When Zhen was finished minutes later and exited, we acknowledged each other in the hallway, and I went in to change. After I had undressed, Zhen re-entered the bathroom, stood in the doorway with the door open, and began to ask me a series of personal questions. I finished changing clothes in a fast panic mode with a shaky voice. But Zhen, someone who claims to “ know his students better than they know themselves," did not see that I was super uncomfortable and feeling violated.  At the time, I was intimidated by the status of the teacher, so I didn’t say anything to anyone, but was still mad and cautious about it all. It has stayed with me for a long time. It was a major red flag for me.

Fast forward many years later of me trying to fit in with this school and its teachings and I have lost count of how many unhealthy patterns I have witnessed within Zhen and Mogadao. The bathroom was not the worst offense but the first clear sign for me of real problems with Zhen. This situation in the bathroom was the first clear illustration to me of his controlling behavior and lack of integrity.

Zhen relies on creating situations that are controlling and manipulative. Zhen pushes his student's boundaries and limits while claiming to be the authority on reality. He rarely considers his student's real needs or wants. I have never really seen Zhen help someone in a selfless way. His priority is making himself feel and look good at everyone’s expense. I hear people at Mogadao complaining about selfish leaders in our world today but embrace this self-absorbed ego maniac. Regardless of how many times Zhen changes their name, personality, appearance, school location, curriculum and students they can’t escape the truth of their behavior. I hope more people wake up to this.