This is something that has always bothered me and now I can finally
express it freely without fear of retaliation from my community.
Zhen claims their teachings will give people the ability to move through life more gracefully. They claim that their spiritual mastery comes from their ability to live the mundane everyday life experience with grace and harmony. They are always giving students and strangers advice on how to live with more grace and flow. This is total hypocrisy.
I have consistently witnessed Zhen flustered in public over the years. Zhen seems to be in an extremely awkward state of being when out of the classroom. They are always boasting about their spiritual power but in reality they seem to be struggling, disorganized, and insecure. They also always seem to have someone or a student assistant with them, supporting them even with mundane tasks.
There is so much drama in Zhen’s life that her extensive advice on graceful living is laughable. Zhen has a "falling out" with someone important on a regular basis. Students have full mental, physical, and emotional break downs at the hands of Zhen's games and instability. Zhen burns through committed friends and students like nothing. There is always something new that is causing a major disturbance in Zhen’s life and the community that seems preventable. People develop romantic feeling towards Zhen and she encourages it but then expels the students when they express their feeling. I have a hard time seeing them living in a graceful manner. There is no real stability in Mogadao. With all the years of commitment and dedication from everyone you think we’d have more to show for it then a shattered diluted community.
At times I have had serious concerns for the well being of Zhen. Their life sometimes appears so unstable that I am worried they are just going to dump everything and disappear (again). This would not be the first abandonment by Zhen. This has actually been a major worry for many people on a regular basis.
There are countless situations of drama and chaos that were not dealt with well and required much effort from others to fix. It seems to me that Zhen needs an enormous amount of support from countless people. The “grace of living” is really built on the money, devotion, blood, sweat and tears of supporters.
The real Zhenevere Sophia Dao Daniel Villasenor Zhen and the “BRAND” sold to everyone are polar opposites.
Zhen claims their teachings will give people the ability to move through life more gracefully. They claim that their spiritual mastery comes from their ability to live the mundane everyday life experience with grace and harmony. They are always giving students and strangers advice on how to live with more grace and flow. This is total hypocrisy.
I have consistently witnessed Zhen flustered in public over the years. Zhen seems to be in an extremely awkward state of being when out of the classroom. They are always boasting about their spiritual power but in reality they seem to be struggling, disorganized, and insecure. They also always seem to have someone or a student assistant with them, supporting them even with mundane tasks.
There is so much drama in Zhen’s life that her extensive advice on graceful living is laughable. Zhen has a "falling out" with someone important on a regular basis. Students have full mental, physical, and emotional break downs at the hands of Zhen's games and instability. Zhen burns through committed friends and students like nothing. There is always something new that is causing a major disturbance in Zhen’s life and the community that seems preventable. People develop romantic feeling towards Zhen and she encourages it but then expels the students when they express their feeling. I have a hard time seeing them living in a graceful manner. There is no real stability in Mogadao. With all the years of commitment and dedication from everyone you think we’d have more to show for it then a shattered diluted community.
At times I have had serious concerns for the well being of Zhen. Their life sometimes appears so unstable that I am worried they are just going to dump everything and disappear (again). This would not be the first abandonment by Zhen. This has actually been a major worry for many people on a regular basis.
There are countless situations of drama and chaos that were not dealt with well and required much effort from others to fix. It seems to me that Zhen needs an enormous amount of support from countless people. The “grace of living” is really built on the money, devotion, blood, sweat and tears of supporters.
The real Zhenevere Sophia Dao Daniel Villasenor Zhen and the “BRAND” sold to everyone are polar opposites.