-Click on the icons below to read testimonials.
-If you have a testimonial to submit we encourage you to contact us.
-No part of any of these testimonials or this website may be copied, reproduced, or used.
-Trigger Warning: Some of these testimonials contain adult content, and accounts of abuse.
*Explanation of pronouns and names
*At the creation of this website the founder and primary teacher of the
MogaDao Institute goes by the name Zhenevere Sophia Dao, and uses the
pronoun ‘she.’ Over the course of her 30+ years of teaching she has
gone by Daniel Villasenor and the pronoun ‘he,’ Zhenzan Dao and the
pronoun ‘they,’ Zhen Dao and the pronoun ‘she,’ prior to this most
recent name change. We respect trans rights, and we also want to
provide a safe space for victims to be able to tell their story. In
these testimonials, those who are sharing will use the name and pronouns
that best reflect their experience with this individual. Any use of a
pronoun that differs from how this person aligns now is not out of
malice or disrespect.