I knew Daniel 25 years ago and studied Qigong and Taichi with him for a couple of years in what he then was calling the Pa Kua School. I attended one class in ABQ about 6 years ago during the time he was beginning Mogadao and have loosely been aware of his continued "transformations." I can aver, as a mental and behavioral health clinician, the diagnostic observations about Daniel's Axis I psychiatric and Axis II Cluster B personality disorders. I had hoped he approached transgenderism in an effort to more fully appreciate the yin and yang of the Animus and Anima. However it's clear that his transformation is more a progression of his diagnoses. He exaggerated and lied and was self-absorbed then and his attitudes and behaviors clearly have worsened over the years. The saddest part, the most troubling part for me personally is that I do have a daily Qigong and Taichi practice of a lifetime that I learned from Daniel and that practice now is somewhat tainted by intrusive "cloud" thoughts about the man, separate from the practice. I deeply honor the teachings but I cannot honor the teacher. Qigong affords such beauty and connection and healing of all the bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical). However, as Daniel once advised me to deal with those personal problems that kept me from deepening my practice, it's sad he could or would not do the same. On a final note, I take no issue with the trans community but do find Daniel exemplifies a marked problem I do discern in much of that community, which is the same need as cis folk too, the need for deep honest inquiry into the self and addressing and overcoming those problems within the self rather than hiding or fabricating or projecting